Who am I?

A six foot tall ape-descendant from the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy.

I am also a scientist and engineer. I like to design and build systems. If it is anything related to computers, electronics, or otherwise leading edge technology or gadgetry, I'll probably be interested.

I think Q (refer James Bond) has the best job in the world. Designing and playing with gadgets is right up my alley. Watches with built-in geiger counters, rotating license plates, and darts with cyanide coated tips causing death in thirty seconds, are right up my alley.

Further information

I'm amazed with the vast amount of text some people write about themselves on the web. There's no way I'm going to go into such depth. If you want an autobiography of my life, you will just have to buy my book.

That's all folks!

Well, that's all I'm afraid. If you want to know anything more, you're just going to have to E-Mail me!

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Martin van den Nieuwelaar, Last updated 7 January 2001