Southern Region Porsche Owners Club

As a member, I can say that the club outings are one of the best things about owning a Porsche. The excursions, whether only for a day, or for longer periods, are always exciting. I believe there is no better way to view the lovely New Zealand scenery than driving through it in a convoy of Porsches. These events are not to be missed!!! The club also has social evenings, and the odd competitive event such as the gynkhana.

Photos were taken with a hanimex 35mm camera, and subsequently scanned. The HTML code was custom written by hand.

If you are interested in joining the club, or just wish to find out more, please mail the club contact, Alan Lattimore.

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An outing to Grassmere Lodge

[Porsches from front-right]

[More 911s]

[Porsches outside homestead]

An outing to Hanmer Springs

Photo taken July 1997.

[Porsches right-front]

The gymkhana

Racing round cones on a tarseal course is great fun, especially with other Porsches as in May of 1998 at our Gynkhana. Take a look at what some club members got up to.

Movie of a not-so-typical lap of the course. Approx size 1.3MB. Not the fastest time, but the most fun!

Martin van den Nieuwelaar, Last updated 7 January 2001